92. How to Stop Hiding

Season #1

In this episode, we dive into the common reasons why many practitioners hesitate to put themselves out there and explore strategies to overcome these barriers. You will walk away with:

  1. Unveiling the Hidden Roadblocks: Explore the lesser-known obstacles that keep practitioners from joining the directory, and gain valuable insights into how to identify and overcome these challenges effectively.
  2. Empowering Your Business Identity: Delve into the psychology behind self-doubt and fear of exposure, and discover practical strategies to boost your confidence and establish a powerful business identity in the competitive market.
  3. Redefining Readiness: Challenge conventional notions of readiness and perfection, and learn how taking imperfect action can lead to remarkable growth and success in your practice while embracing authenticity and individuality.

Join me as we unlock the key to listing on the practitioner directory and discover the path to greater professional visibility and success. Don't miss this empowering and insightful episode!