116. The Necessity of Discernment with Mary McGillivray

Season #1

 Join us for an enlightening conversation with Mary McGillivray, a Certified Biofield Tuning Instructor & Practitioner, as we delve into the vital topic of "The Necessity of Discernment" in our lives and healing journeys.

Based in McMinnville and offering remote sessions through MMBiofieldTuning, Mary brings a wealth of expertise and insight to the table. Discover the transformative power of discernment as Mary shares how it leads to integrity, fostering quality relationships and experiences that transcend mere appearances.

At MMBiofieldTuning, Mary offers a unique mentoring program called "The Guide through the Gap," designed specifically for Biofield Tuning students and practitioners. Reach out to Mary at [email protected] to explore this enriching opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Throughout our conversation, Mary emphasizes the importance of getting clear about who we want to work with and finding alignment in our endeavors. She shares a glimpse into her own love story, illustrating how alignment and discernment can lead to deeply fulfilling connections and experiences.

Mary's approach to healing is infused with playfulness and a recognition of our innate superpowers, including the ability to forge connections and bring levity to our experiences. Tune in to this episode to be inspired by Mary's insights and embark on your own journey of discernment, alignment, and meaningful connections.